Security. Protection. training.
Empowering Security Solutions


A woman sitting in the back of a car

Executive &
VIP security

Executive protection is specialized security services that focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of high-profile individuals, such as corporate executives, politicians, and dignitaries. We offer personal security details, secure transportation arrangements, and close protection services in alignment with your company's duty of care policies.

A person touching an assessment button on a screen.


Threat assessment involves identifying, evaluating, and mitigating potential risks to individuals or property. We conduct a comprehensive security audit, analyzing past incidents, and assessing current threats. Overwatch Security then develops a tailored security plan which outlines specific measures and protocols to address identified risks.

Two men sitting at a table with multiple monitors.


Overwatch Security takes a comprehensive approach to managing threats to personal security by combining cutting-edge technology, highly trained security personnel, and strategic partnerships with law enforcement agencies. Overwatch Security prevents incidents before they occur, making Overwatch Security a trusted and reliable partner in personal security.

A group of people sitting in front of each other.


Personal security training and consultation empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to stay safe and secure in an increasingly unpredictable world. Overwatch Security offers intense training in topics such as situational awareness, executive protection, home security measures, cyber security practices, domestic and international threat briefings, and emergency preparedness.

Established by John Warrington Retired Supervisory Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Mr. Warrington has more than thirty years of liaison, intelligence, and risk analysis work experience. A global security professional, Mr. Warrington specializes in:

  • security protocol development
  • executive protection
  • threat analysis
  • cross-functional team building
  • collaboration


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